Left to Right: Greg Langeland, Vice President of Langeland Family Funeral Homes Burial & Cremation Services & Ashley Fort Nursing Assistant, Centrica Care Navigators and Dana Naumann, Bereavement Care Coordinator, Langeland Family Funeral Homes Burial & Cremation Services.
Chaplain - Kindred Hospice
Art Bryan was nominated by Carol Goldsmith-Moore for the Langeland Hospice Caregiver Award.
Art received the Hospice Caregiver Award for December.
Thank you Art for all you do as an exceptional Caregiver and we especially recognize how you have gone above and beyond during the pandemic.
Art received The Crystal Heart Award and a gift card to be used for whatever he would like.
Art was a big comfort to both my mother-in-law as well as myself and my daughter. I know my mother-in-law enjoyed his visits and he was able to offer her solace and reassurance. When she was near the end he came to her bedside within a short time when we called. The prayers and bible verses he said with us were very consoling. He has since called to see how I am doing and continued to offer consolation.
-Carol Goldsmith-Moore